Quarantine Update

Not too much to report on the Q end. Yesterday we didn’t get much done in the house. I did do a good bit of laundry. The boys downloaded a new game so they spent a lot of time getting that all set up. That in it’self makes me super nervous because they tend to lose their focus when it comes to games and housework. But, I can only hope that they keep their word and learn to balance their time between the two.

This morning I woke up to an email from the personal department for school. It was informing me that in order for them to put in the appropriate leave forms that I would need to be tested for Covid and have proof of a negative test. So I gladly ventured out today and attempted to get that accomplished. Unfortunately, I was unable to get that task completed since all the walk in clinics were out of the rapid tests. Tj found out that he has to get tested as well, and I talked to the school nurse and she suggested that Eli be tested as well. So I suppose at some point this week that we will make a family trip to the doctor. Oh, joy!

On a lighter note, Eli put up some Christmas lights in the living room for Piper to be able to see. She was amazed for about 5.3 seconds and then could have cared less. She stayed with the boys today while I ventured out and played hard with no nap. Needless to say, she was ready for bed right after her supper. I just hope she sleeps well. I hope you all had a great Monday as well.

What did you do this weekend?

Love, LaBranda

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

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